International Migratory Bird Day Film: “Winged Migrations”

Parker River NWR Headquarters/Visitor Center 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, United States

Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day by treating yourself to this free showing of an extraordinary and away winning film.  Filmed on seven continents over four years, the footage is brought together into one portrait of a journey that is uniformly arduous for all kinds of different birds. 

Storm Surge – Coastal Processes Along Plum Island

Parker River NWR Headquarters/Visitor Center 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, United States

Matthew F. Shultz, PE, is a Senior Coastal Engineer in the Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning team at Woods Hole Group and will present the results of a recently completed regional assessment study of coastal processes along Plum Island.

Bobolink Observation at PRNWR Sub HQ

Parker River NWR Headquarters/Visitor Center 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, United States

Meet refuge volunteer and avid birder Emmalee Tarry at the Sub Headquarters parking lot. Emmalee will have her spotting scopes trained on the beautiful boblinks that occupy the North Field. Learn about and observe this really showy bird that you might not otherwise notice. This is a drop-in program; just show up anytime between 10:00…

Whip-poor-will Walk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Have you ever heard a strange bird singing in the background of a movie and wondered what it was? You may have been hearing the song of the whip-poor-will. Join Nancy Landry, refuge volunteer and avid birder, for an evening of listening for the song of the whip-poor-will and other nighttime birds. Participants should meet…

Kids’ Nature Walks – Explore the Refuge

Take your 3-5 year old youngster on a good old fashioned nature discovery walk. Meet at the refuge visitor center before driving together to the head of the day's trail on the refuge (no parking fee charged). For each session, a refuge volunteer will lead the children and their caregivers on a walk to explore…

Addressing Impaired Hydrology for Salt Marsh Resiliency

Parker River NWR Headquarters/Visitor Center 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, United States

Have you noticed salt marshes getting wetter, plant community shifts, or large algal blooms in marshes? Conservation organizations in the Great Marsh (Great Marsh Coalition) have been monitoring these changes in salt marsh habitats and trying to understand the scope of the problem, its underlying causes, and potential future consequences.  We have identified two related…

Kids’ Nature Walks – Explore the Refuge Copy

Parker River NWR Headquarters/Visitor Center 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, United States

Take your 3-5 year old youngster on a good old fashioned nature discovery walk. Meet at the refuge visitor center before driving together to the head of the day's trail on the refuge (no parking fee charged). For each session, a refuge volunteer will lead the children and their caregivers on a walk to explore…